First Trauma Conference

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In September 2002 at the celebration of the tenth Anniversary of the cooperation between the MAD-Foundation and the Clinica de Psihiatrie of the Medical University and the Neuropsychiatric Children Clinic in Craiova a conference was organized about Psychotrauma. Well known speakers from Holland (Wybrand Op den Velde, Petra Aarts and Hans Hovens) and Great Britain/Turkey (Metin Basoglu) discussed the psychological consequences of man made disasters (war, persecution, torture, manslaughter, rape, violence in the family, traffic accidents) and natural disasters (earthquake, flooding).

The Proceedings of the Psychotrauma Conference -(ed. Martin Willems and Ineke Jungschleger; ISBN 973-8354-68-4, Craiova, Editura Medicala Universitara, 2003)- has an appendix with databases, Journals and Internet Links.

Conference Proceedings

Preface & Contents

Martin Willems & Ineke Jungschleger (Holland)

Chapter 1. Introduction: Psychotrauma a Taboo in Romania

Martin Willems M.D.Psychiatrist, president MAD-Foundation.

Chapter 2. The Development of Psychotraumatology

Wybrand Op den Velde M.D. Ph.D. (Holland)

Former board member of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, founding member of the Europeen STSS. Principle investigator of the Dutch Resistance Veterans Adjustment Study

Chapter 3. War: Soldiers, Resistance, Civilians

Wybrand Op den Velde M.D. Ph.D.

Chapter 4. Traumatic Stress Responses in Treatment-Seeking Earthquake

Survivors in Turkey

Metin Basoglu M.D. Ph.D., et alli (England and Turkey)

Senior lecturer at the London University.Very active in the Torture field: research, publications, international organizations. Since some years research on the sequels of the recent earthquakes in Turkey

Chapter 5. Torture survivors

Hans Hovens M.D. Ph.D. (Holland)

Senior lecturer in psychiatry, Delta Psychiatric Teaching Hospital Rotterdam. Member of Op den Velde’s research group. Former director of a Dutch Clinic for Refugees.

Chapter 6. Every day violence: domestic, rape, traffic

Petra Aarts M.Sc. (Holland)

Director Trauma Research Office, former staff

Member ICODO, founding member of ESTSS, Adviser of the Dutch Ministry of

Foreing Affairs on Trauma

Chapter 7. Workshops and final discussion

Ineke Jungschleger (Holland)

Journalist. Advisor of the board of the MAD-Foundation.

Appendix: Databases, Journals and Internet Links



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