Traumatic Stress
Article EU guidelines disasters, trauma
There are no translations available.Introduction to the public part
In the Netherlands, after shocking events such as disasters and major catastrophes, early psychosocial interventions are offered. These interventions are also referred to as acute psychological trauma support. Individual (BIG-registered) relief workers (workers who are registered under the Dutch Individual Health Care Professions Act), non-profit organisations and also private organisations are engaged in providing this type of relief.
Article Flooding & Trauma
There are no translations available.For more insight in "Floodings and Trauma" we selected from the website a key article for this topic: "Psychosocial consequenses of major hurricanes and floods: range, duration, and magnitude of effects and risk factors for adverse outcomes", written by H.Norris.
Bisson, What really works in the treatmnent of PTSD
There are no translations available.- The management of PTSD
- Multidisciplinary, multiagency group
- Nineteen meetings over two years
- Systematic reviews of all interventions
- Collation of other information
- Two drafts
- Amended as a result of feedback
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